In literature, and in real life, the basic values are often in conflict. At the heart of the Antigone play is the following question: Who/what should be the supreme authority in a state? The characters of Antigone and King Creon have different opinions on who should possess ultimate power over the people and which values should govern individual and collective life.

So,  what do you think of law and rulers?

Please keep reading to play the interactive game of the Trial of Antigone! You’ll need to fill-in a questionnaire first.

Step 1 of 3

Be part of VAST…

Dear VAST visitor,


Thank you for your willingness to participate in this experience, which is part of the H2020 EU action VAST – Values across space and time. The activity explores how people today perceive and experience the values portrayed in Sophocles’ Antigone, a renowned play of ancient Greek drama. Specifically, you will be first asked to fill in a questionnaire and then go through the Trial of Antigone, an interactive game.


It takes almost 15-20 minutes to go-through the entire activity.


The activity is anonymous and your participation remains voluntary, which means that you are free to quit any time you wish.


We thank you very much for your time and contribution!


Jump into the interactive activity